Monday, April 8, 2013

What exactly does "Healthy" mean?

Hey everybody--Happy Monday! I want to first acknowledge all of my new followers, thanks so much for following and leaving your comments I love hearing from you and it truly fuels my writing....I am working on responding to emails after I publish this post! I have not emailed anyone back for a week, I'm terrible. Anyways...

Today I am here to write about health. If you haven't noticed yet my new blog design features a page dedicated to "getting healthy" so you might have known I was going to write about it sooner or later...and here I am. I did not want to categorize my blog as a weight loss blog or a fitness blog...personally I do not want to place myself in any category so I am choosing to talk about health in general.

But, what is healthy? What does it mean to be healthy? Does it mean you are free of illness, and if so is being overweight an illness? Should your mental and emotional health be measured in this too?

I do not have all the answers to the questions above, I believe "healthy" is something we define ourselves. I am working on my own definition of being healthy and  I am working on becoming that definition of healthy in my daily life. To become the healthiest person I can become become here are some goals I am working towards that I will discuss in weekly posts!

- Shed the extra pounds
-Develop a normal relationship with food and exercise, no extremes
-Stick to a mostly Real Food eating plan
-Continue to transition to non-toxic products (cosmetics, hair care, cleaning...etc.)
-Manage a better sleep schedule
-Live in the moment, quit waiting for the future

I know this post seems so broad and almost confusing but I want to stress that I believe being healthy is a lifestyle, something you strive to achieve every single day. I also believe being healthy does not have to be in the future or 20 pounds from now.

Above are my personal goals but Ryan and I are working on several of those together and we both want to have a solid foundation of healthy living, especially for the future when we start thinking about having our own little family.

That being said, I want to know how you feel about health? What is your definition? What do you do to stay healthy mentally, physically or emotionally?

I will leave you with one of the blogs that changed my entire idea of food....please be warned, you may spend several hours reading this after you dive in!


  1. We LOAD UP on fruits and veggies around here. When the little man is older I want him to recognize fresh produce as snacks rather than all that processed stuff.
    Both the hubs and I enjoy working out, and consider it our hobbies. I think we both do it to feel better mentally, physically, and emotionally. We're hoping our examples rub off on our Little.

  2. Good for you for making a commitment! Getting healthy is such a learning process and something you need support from others! I wish you all the best, you can do it!
